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Mass Tort Strategies

MTS was founded by an attorney with 20+ years of nationwide mass tort and class action experience with a goal of creating a better, more efficient mass tort marketing company that is sensitive to the needs and challenges of mass tort lawyers nationwide.

Our goal is to become an industry leader in this space by generating quality inquiries at great prices and to have our clients see us as a partner rather than a vendor.

Build Your Practice With
Mass Tort Cases

We monitor the MDLs closely and generate mass tort inquiries in the most cutting edge areas, which we originate primarily through online marketing channels.

Our intake staff is highly trained and closely supervised to ensure that we deliver quality while maintaining strict compliance; everything we do is ABA and TCPA compliant, so you can be assured that compliance will not be an issue.
Our goal is to become an industry leader in this space by generating quality inquiries at great prices and to have our clients see us as a partner rather than a vendor. Join Our Nationwide Network of Attorneys.
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